Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Upcoming Treats

One of the few things that is positive with summer coming to an end is that autumn is the high season for the release of new quality films! After a summer packed with the usual blockbusters and franchise movies there are certainly plenty of really exciting ones to look forward to. Here are some of the ones I really can't wait to feast my eyes on:
- "Where The Wild Things Are" is the new movie by Spike Jonze, the director of the truly brilliant "Being John Malkovich" (1999) and "Adaptation" (2002). Based on the book by Maurice Sendak, it is an adventure movie for kids but surely the rest of us will find plenty in it too. From the look of the trailer this really could be something special. Check out Trailer 1.
- "Moon" is a modern day sci-fi with another lead role for the wonderful Sam Rockwell. Directed by brit Duncan Jones, it looks to be something very deep and psychological with a thrilling atmosphere. Could very well be the finest thing to happen to sci-fi since "2001".
- My comic heroes Ricky Gervais & Stephen Merchant are currently shooting their first feature film together "Cemetery Junction". The creators of already legendary shows "The Office" and "Extras" are looking for a change of tone here, but I am sure it will still be one of the finest films of next year. Okay, so the trailer doesn't actually have any footage of the film in it, but if the movie itself is anywhere near as hilarious as this it should be a real kicker!
- After his gigantic productions of spectacle in "The Lord Of The Rings" (2001) and "King Kong" (2005) Peter Jackson turns back to more low key storytelling. "The Lovely Bones" is based on the novel by Alice Sebold and looks to be a really interesting thriller with some incredible photography.
- The Coen brothers achieved mainstream stardom with their Oscar loving "No Country For Old Men" (2007). After the minorly disappointing "Burn After Reading" (2008) they are going back to their roots with "A Serious Man". An independent production with mainly unknown actors, it looks to be another original cracking movie.

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