Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Mirror Discovery

The other morning I knocked my foot into the doorstep on my way to the bathroom. Overwhelmed with pain, I bit my teeth together in order to stop myself from waking the neighbours with the worst pieces of profanity they would have ever heard. That’s when it happened. I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror and saw something quite disturbing. As I was clinching my teeth together, a small number of peculiar lines were coming out in my skin on both sides of my face, just out of the corners of my eyes. I had never noticed them before. They also seemed to appear just as strong when I smiled. It was truly strange.
Later I asked a friend what he thought they might be. Rather uninterested he replied; “They’re wrinkles.” Still confused, I returned home and got out an old dusted down dictionary. “Wrinkles... wrinkles... wrinkles” I whispered to myself while anxiously flipping the pages. And there it was... "Wrinkles; a small furrow or crease in the skin, esp. of the face, as from aging or frowning.” Both intrigued and uneasy I remember what I had seen in the mirror. It happened when I was frowning, sure. But also when I smiled or simply clinched my teeth...

I had a birthday last week.

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