Summer is as always the season for huge Hollywood blockbusters, but there are other American films on the horizon that should be just as exciting as any Iron Man, Robin Hood, A-Team or whatever vampire themed teenage franchise being released this month. So with that in mind, here are five upcoming treats that should be well worth a look upon arrival over the next few months.
- Inception is the new film from Christopher Nolan, the brilliant British director who has risen to fame through the latest Batman installments. And even though the budget for his latest flick still looks decent, the themes and the ensemble cast of character actors could seem more like his first films such as Memento (2000) or Insomnia (2002). This is Nolan's first feature where he is the sole screenwriter and he still wants to be original and push the envelope while never letting the story suffer. Every single teaser and trailer looks incredible and I can honestly say I can not remember being this excited about a movie since... well... ever.
- Even though many directors working today started out making music videos there are not that many that have actually established themselves as serious filmmakers. One man who is looking to do just that is Anton Corbijn. This Dutch director has made memorable videos for bands such as Metallica and U2, but it was his 2007 biopic of Ian Curtis and Joy Division, Control, that really caught the eye of audiences and major production studios as well. This September sees the release of his newest film The American, starring George Clooney as the lone assasin out on that one last job. Sure, you may have heard that tagline before but with Corbijns sober and seductive style and George Clooney in a played down and attention shy part, this could prove to become one of the finest films of the year. With the cool retro style classic poster (see above) and a great trailer there is no reason to fear the arrival of cold autumn.
- Michael Winterbottom's latest The Killer Inside Me has already raised some eyebrows on its journey through various film festivals around the US and Europe. Based on the controversial novel by Jim Thompson it is a dark and gritty character piece with a rumoured very strong leading performance from Casey Affleck. There are scenes of violence and abuse that have been talked much about, but underneath there should be a chilling and interesting drama. Winterbottom has never feared the use of extremes to achieve an emotional reaction from his audience and though this certainly seems to be no different, there looks to be a rewarding experience for those who can stand to take it all in.
- After the smash hits Shaun Of The Dead and Hot Fuzz, there was only a matter of time before Brit director Edgar Wright would be calling his shots in Hollywoodland. His first American feature Scott Pilgrim vs The World should offer more of Wright's clever and dry humour, filled with intense photography and snappy editing. The trailers have been more and more revealing and the latest one makes this look just as much as a video game as an actual movie, but Wright has earned the right to be given the benefit of the doubt. And the fact that it stars the always brilliant Michael Cera just adds to the already rapidly growing excitment.
- A film that has been hard to read from its trailer is The Adjustment Bureau. The directorial debut of George Nolfi stars Matt Damon, which is no surprise considering Nolfi has served as screenwriter on films such as Ocean's Twelve and The Bourne Ultimatum. It looks and sounds interesting enough, with a touch of surreal reality and a romance at the core. Based on a short story by sci-fi guru Phillip K. Dick it is bound to have enough qualities to keep you tuned in, but it is a dangerous line between sci-fi and love story to walk, in particular for a first time director. But it is intriguing enough to earn some attention, and with a Matt Damon who can do no wrong with his career apparently, we're willing to give it a try.
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